Cumulus Nimbus
Shot from the car - Arizona from the highway - Great clouds

On the Road again...Now in New Mexico
I love clouds - all kinds. The cumulus nimbus clouds are the most voluminous. Cirrus clouds can be interesting too knowing that they are actually ice crystals. Sailors could tell the weather by looking at clouds: "Mare's tails, but down your sails." "Pink sky at night, sailor's delight, pink sky in morning sailors take warning." Who needs a meterologist when you have a sailor on board??
 Clouds in back of the famous castle -

 Although this "wind fan" looks small, it is actually about 4 stories high. The clouds are strato cirrus.

 Strato nimbus clouds - gorgeous!

 This photo was actually printed in an 8ft. long canvas. The clouds are evening sunset clouds in Florida. The pink sky at night = beautiful day tomorrow. And it was!

 In Puerto Rico the clouds are ever present in this tropical paradise. Loquillo (sp?) beach.