Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A challenge to take photos when in motion -

 Going North through Florida Panhandle in early morning - fast lens, high ISO. Lots of grain, but it gives it a nice texture and softness.
 The Sunshine Bridge from a Graphics point of view. Nice design, great color for a bridge! Shot from front window looking up.

 VERY early morning as we left Battleship Cove. This F4 jet is displayed with underlighting. It almost looks as if it is about to take off.

 Long tall cactus in the Squarro National Park. Interesting place but very HOT. This is an HDR photo from one shot. A pseudo-hdr if you will.

Beach in Pensacola on the way to Ft. Pickens. Beautiful afternoon. Nice composition.

WELCOME to my photos taken from the car at 70mph.

 Wind turbines in the West and the Southwest.

These are photos that have been taken from the car at 70mph in most cases. They are interesting in that the camera has captured some of the passing landscape in a photographic and unsuspecting manner. This has been a challenge to do when the car is moving and you are shooting through car windows some of the time. It means stopping to clean the windows before shooting any more photos that might have to be photoshopped to clean them up. Most of these photos have very little done in the way of manipulation except for: cropping, color balance, sharpening. Those are the techniques that are allowed in the professional field for photographers. Shooting through open windows presents a bit of a problem with the wind, however. So most of the time I am shooting through the passenger side and the front windshield.

 Church on a hill in the middle of desert

 Squaro cactus in AZ

 Orange balloon for Evan - his favorite color is ORANGE.

 Surf Beach - forget where...Didn't look too promising.

What I am amazed by is the clarity and sharpness of some of these photos.

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